Leela Samson, hailed as one of the most dynamic Bharatanatyam exponents and an outstanding representative of Kalakshetra, is now holding the reigns at her alma mater as director of the renowned institute, founded by late Rukmini Devi Arundale on the Chennai ocean front.
Leela, a Padmashri and Sangeet Natak Akademi Award winner, was in Bangalore to set the stage for a week-long dance drama of Valmiki’s Ramayana, choreographed by Rukmini Devi, starting from August 10 at the Iskcon temple. Incidentally, Leela enacted Sita when Rukmini Devi had finished the final choreography in 1979.
Deccan herald
Everything you always wanted to know about the Hare Krishna Movement.
Ratha-Yatra in Cologne

Join our festival and united prayer for world peace, on August 6th, 2005
The 2005 Cologne Ratha-yatra Parade and World Peace Festival will take place for the second time on Saturday August 6, in Cologne, Germany. The procession of Lord Jagannatha’s chariot starts at 10 am at Zuelpichstrasse, in central Cologne.
The parade will be followed by a spectacular Jagannatha World Peace Festival, celebrated from 3 pm to 8 pm, at the Koelner Dom, the very center of Cologne.
A festival of llamas
By 5 p.m. Saturday, Spanish Fork had hit 101 degrees, but that did not stop thousands of people from gathering for the 11th annual Llama Fest at the Krishna Temple. Dozens of llamas were led through beauty contests and obstacle courses throughout the evening, and crowds gathered in the shade of the temple's wrap-around balcony cheered as winners were chosen.
The festival is meant to highlight llamas and their owners, festival organizers have said. To that end, there were live demonstrations of llama wool spinning and weaving as well as music from Peru, Chile and Bolivia, where llamas are native.
By far the most popular attraction at the festival was the snow cone stand, where the line was more than 50 feet long at times. Volunteers sold hundreds of platefuls of the traditional vegetarian buffet that is served daily at the temple, and even more peach and mango-lemon slush drinks, which warded of the heat.
Daily Herald
2nd annual Harvest Workshop

Welcome to the 2nd annual Harvest Workshop to be held August 19-21 at the ISCOWP farm near New Vrndavana in West Virginia. Come and have some fun and learn self-sufficient skills too! More detailed schedule upon request.
Danisco to receive first batch of sustainable vanilla from India
Jai Chaitanya Dasa, a Hare Krishna monk from a temple in Bangalore, India, has established a non-profit organisation that promotes organic and sustainable growing methods among local farmers and manages the collection, initial processing and sale of vanilla pods.
The local farmers involved in the vanilla project receive 80% of the earnings generated from the sale and the remaining 20% goes to the workers who process, sort and dispatch the vanilla. Initial processing takes place at a small factory in Mysore and most of the work is carried out and supervised by women, who are paid up to three times the pay rates for similar work elsewhere in India, which allows them to send their children to school.
The local farmers involved in the vanilla project receive 80% of the earnings generated from the sale and the remaining 20% goes to the workers who process, sort and dispatch the vanilla. Initial processing takes place at a small factory in Mysore and most of the work is carried out and supervised by women, who are paid up to three times the pay rates for similar work elsewhere in India, which allows them to send their children to school.
The Size of Soul
"According to Vedanta Sutra, the idea that God resides in the physical heart the size of the thumb is for the sake of conceptualization during meditation, and is thus a metaphorical description. The size of the thumb refers to the size of the human heart. God is in reality all pervading and atomic at the same time" said Dr KK Aggarwal
Dr KK Aggarwal is a senior Physician, Head Department of Cardiology and Deputy Dean Board of Medical Education-Moolchand Hospital, President-Heart Care Foundation of India, President Delhi Medical Association and Member-Delhi Medical Council
Dr KK Aggarwal is a senior Physician, Head Department of Cardiology and Deputy Dean Board of Medical Education-Moolchand Hospital, President-Heart Care Foundation of India, President Delhi Medical Association and Member-Delhi Medical Council
Bangladesh - The Holy Land of Hindu and Buddhist Pilgrimages
In Bangladesh [Bengal] Hindu traditions of local, vedic, non-vedic, tribal, Mongolian along with Buddhist and Islamic, have all merged to give her a distinctive identity. Here the traditions of the Saivaites Saktas and Vaishnavs, (the predominant Hindu groups in Bengal) have merged producing many festivities from worshipping of tulshi plants and baniyan trees to snake goddess Manasa to Gods Kali, Shiv and Sri Krishna.
11th European Vaishnava Mela, Nandafalva
Dear devotees, all glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!
We would like to cordially invite all of you to the 11th European Vaishnava Mela, which is being organized under the auspicious guidance and protection of Srila B. A. Paramadvaiti Maharaj.
Nandafalva.hu - mela2005
Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Pilgrimage 2005
Extensive coverage of Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Pilgrimage 2005. The first five pages of a ten-part lively, descriptive diary by Malini Devi Dasi, taking us on the bus journey pilgrimage arranged by Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip earlier this month to Sri Jagannath Puri. Her diary includes an additional five pages of references from the Scriptures as well as pictures of the journey, of several holy places visited en route, and of the Rathayatra Festival itself.
Festival of India - Denmark 2005

The "Festival of India - Denmark" is dedicated to A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Goal: The Festival of India seeks to introduce people to the ancient Indian Vaisnava culture.
Date and Place: 20 of August – 2005, Copenhagen (Rådhus Pladsen -The Town Hall Square-)
From 12md to 2pm
Harinam (from Kultorvet to Town Hall Square)
From 2pm – to 8pm
Opening Speech and Introduction
Agni Hotra by Priya Chaitanya das (Vedic ritual fire sacrifice)
Bhajans (Traditional music from India) by Sacidevi dasi
DRAMA “The boatman and the scholar” by Parividha das Productions
Bharatanatyam dance by Rasabihari devi dasi
Speech about the Vedic Culture
DRAMA “Transylvania Transcended” by Parividha das Productions
Bharatanatyam dance by Rasabihari devi dasi
Kirtan (Traditional music from India)
Bhangra Dance by Bhangra Group
Dhira (electro fusion)
Adittional activities:
-Free Vegetarian Food from 2pm
-Indian Market & -Tent for kids
Festival of India
A bit about a Hare Krishna in Melbourne
We have been cooking for just over 2,800 people a week from our temple over the past few months. Half way through August we will have our biggest festival of the year, Krishna's appearance day, and we will have just under 7,000 people coming for lunch / dinner in one day. Our kitchen is pretty transcendental since it is only designed to cook for 500 people in 2-3 hours, so we work magic. My task is to make sure that everyone gets fed.
Gopala guru das blog
Gopala guru das blog
Wyko Supplies Custom Pneumatic Ram System to Keep Hare Krishna Chariot on Course for Annual Celebrations

WYKO’s Luton branch was contacted by members of the Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple in Watford, the main centre for the Hare Krishna movement in the UK (donated by the late George Harrison); who required help to prepare a chariot to be used in their annual festival of chariots parade and celebrations. ‘The event was to be held in June and consisted of a march from Marble Arch to Trafalgar Square’ explains, Nara Hari, secretary at the Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple. ‘There are many overhead cables and telephone lines along the route, which required us to lower the domes on the chariots by hand, taking a lot of effort and accurate timing to avoid accidents’.
Nader Nimai, an opera in two parts
While Nader Nimai, an opera in two parts, captivated the mostly elderly-Bengali-speaking audience over the weekend, the show-stealers were the men who enacted women on stage. To find men doing the roles of women in this day and age was intriguing.
Panchanan Bari, who plays the role of Chaitanya’s mother, Sachi Devi, has been acting since 1952 when he was just 17 years old. Now in his seventies, he continues without a break and is overwhelmed at the response to his “female roles”. He has seldom been recognised as a man. Biswajit Majhi plays the role of Chaitanya’s wife, Vishnupriya in the opera. Amit Roy does a cameo as Jyogmaya Devi as a reincarnation of goddess Durga while Chandan Banerjee enacts the role of a female beggar.
It’s a large group, he points out, of 45 people travelling together and comprises make-up men, musicians and helpers besides the actors. It was a conscious decision to confine themes to Hindu religion, myth and epics, he informs. The troupe has played out themes from the Ramayana, Sri Krishna Leela, Kangsha Leela and so on. Here in the state capital the group portrayed the life of “Nimai” in the first part, till he abandons home to become a sanyasi and in the second part the life of the sanyasi as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Panchanan Bari, who plays the role of Chaitanya’s mother, Sachi Devi, has been acting since 1952 when he was just 17 years old. Now in his seventies, he continues without a break and is overwhelmed at the response to his “female roles”. He has seldom been recognised as a man. Biswajit Majhi plays the role of Chaitanya’s wife, Vishnupriya in the opera. Amit Roy does a cameo as Jyogmaya Devi as a reincarnation of goddess Durga while Chandan Banerjee enacts the role of a female beggar.
It’s a large group, he points out, of 45 people travelling together and comprises make-up men, musicians and helpers besides the actors. It was a conscious decision to confine themes to Hindu religion, myth and epics, he informs. The troupe has played out themes from the Ramayana, Sri Krishna Leela, Kangsha Leela and so on. Here in the state capital the group portrayed the life of “Nimai” in the first part, till he abandons home to become a sanyasi and in the second part the life of the sanyasi as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Hare Krishnas oppose liquor license
A Hare Krishna temple in the Central West End is opposing a liquor license sought by a business planning a nearby restaurant.
The Hare Krishnas abstain from alcohol and said a liquor license so near their temple might violate state law. St. Louis Excise Commissioner Bob Kraiberg said he would look into their legal concerns and issue a decision on the license within a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, representatives of the temple and the restaurant plan to meet to discuss possible compromises.
The Hare Krishnas abstain from alcohol and said a liquor license so near their temple might violate state law. St. Louis Excise Commissioner Bob Kraiberg said he would look into their legal concerns and issue a decision on the license within a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, representatives of the temple and the restaurant plan to meet to discuss possible compromises.
Hare Krishna Movement fetes 5,000 people in Accra
The Hare Krishna Movement in Ghana on Saturday reached out to the ordinary people in society, when they feted and entertained about 5,000 people as part of their religious and social responsibility.
Currently, with a national population of about 5,000, since its introduction into the country in 1981, the movement assembled in the centre of the city, near the Mokola Market, sang, danced and educated invited guests and bystanders about the Krishna faith, which was a branch of Hinduism from India.
Currently, with a national population of about 5,000, since its introduction into the country in 1981, the movement assembled in the centre of the city, near the Mokola Market, sang, danced and educated invited guests and bystanders about the Krishna faith, which was a branch of Hinduism from India.
George Harrison Is My Arch Angel
His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupa felt such a strong connection to George Harrison that he designated him his "Arch Angel" and gave him the name Sri Hari Georgeson. Such was His Divine Grace's deep affection for this extremely important and wonderful soul,George Harrison. It is also known amongst inner circles that before Srila Prabhupada passed away he took off his hand made blue sapphire ring and told the Sanyasis there to "give this to George Harrison". This was some time after Srila Prabhupada had recieved little or no contact from Sri Hari Georgeson, yet His Divine Grace still retained a powerful recongition of him and humble gratefulness for his transcendental service as his Arch Angel.
Festival OF India -- 2005 Tour Schedule
2005 will be Festival Of India’s twenty seventh year of festivals in North America.
At many of the Festivals of India this summer you’ll experience dynamic dramatic presentations, blissful bhajans and ecstatic kirtans performed by the Hare Krishna Youth Ministry.
* July 30* *Calgary--Canada*
* August 6 and 7* *Los Angeles, Ca.* HKYM
* August 14* *Sanfrancisco, Ca.* HKYM
* August 20 and 21* *Vancouver, B.C., Canada*
* August 26* *Vancouver, B.C., Canada--SRI KRISHNA Janmastami*
* August 27* *Vancouver, B.C. SRILA PRABHUPADA’s Vyasa Puja Day*
* September 3, 4 and 5* *Seattle, Wa.*
* September 17* *Newark, N.J.*
* September 24 Chicago, Il.
* October 15 Washington D.C.--Sri RAMACANDRA Vijayotsava
Festival of India
At many of the Festivals of India this summer you’ll experience dynamic dramatic presentations, blissful bhajans and ecstatic kirtans performed by the Hare Krishna Youth Ministry.
* July 30* *Calgary--Canada*
* August 6 and 7* *Los Angeles, Ca.* HKYM
* August 14* *Sanfrancisco, Ca.* HKYM
* August 20 and 21* *Vancouver, B.C., Canada*
* August 26* *Vancouver, B.C., Canada--SRI KRISHNA Janmastami*
* August 27* *Vancouver, B.C. SRILA PRABHUPADA’s Vyasa Puja Day*
* September 3, 4 and 5* *Seattle, Wa.*
* September 17* *Newark, N.J.*
* September 24 Chicago, Il.
* October 15 Washington D.C.--Sri RAMACANDRA Vijayotsava
Festival of India
Our devotion to Krishna
Krishna consciousness teaches people how live a life of high morals and ethics and to respect the integrity of all beings. The Hare Krishna faith is based on the ancient scriptures of India called the Vedas.Devotees worship 'One Supreme Being' and that person is God, known by infinite names. Krishna - meaning "all attractive" - is accepted as the Supreme Being.
WVA meeting in Vienna/Austria
Members of the WVA will gather in Vienna, Austria from 30. to 31. of July, 2005 to attend the WVA meeting, which will be hosted by Sripad B.S. Muni Maharaj, a disciple of Srila B.V. Puri Maharaj.
The meeting will be conducted under the auspices of Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Maharaja, Coordinator of the WVA Siddhanta, Guru Varga dignity Committee and Srila B.V. Sadhu Maharaja, Coordinator of the WVA Vrindavan Dham Preservation Committee.
Environment Protection - A Reality Check
Dr Jurgen Bischoff, director of ASEM, said the Eco-City programme which is being jointly implemented with the Ministry of Environment and Forests is already under way in the municipalities of Kottayam (Kerala), Vrindavan (UP), Ujjain (MP), Tirupati (AP) and Puri (Orissa).
“The reasons for launching this programme in cities with tourist or business interests”, he said, “is because they have national prominence and fund raising for additional projects becomes easier”.
Express hotelier and caterer
“The reasons for launching this programme in cities with tourist or business interests”, he said, “is because they have national prominence and fund raising for additional projects becomes easier”.
Express hotelier and caterer
Food, kids and divinity
Divinity isn't preaching god to men with empty stomachs, but showing god by serving them food. The International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKON) puts this philosophy into practice.
Think of suffering and the first word that may come to your mind is hunger. Harder though it may seem, 60 million children across the country are left hungry, depriving them of childhood pleasures. In the age when they should be attending schools, fulfiling their hunger for knowledge, these children end up doing menial jobs for a square meal. The Akshaya Patra or prasadam distribution programme by ISKON, to provide food for children in government schools, is therefore an act beyond kindness and charity. It is taking god to those aching for a feel of him.
No wonder the programme -flagged off at Bangalore's Srirampuram Higher Primary School in 2000-opened the eyes of several state governments towards the sufferings of the 'future leaders.' The programme today is popular in three states and said to have inspired S M Krishna government to introduce the mid day meal scheme: Akshara Dasoha.
'Akshaya Patra,’ the container that never gets empty, is the vessel lord Krishna gave to Draupadi, before the Pandavas started their journey into the forest. The lord wanted his cousins to eat well and never struggle for food, which finds a parallel in ISKON's scheme.
Deccan Herald.com
Think of suffering and the first word that may come to your mind is hunger. Harder though it may seem, 60 million children across the country are left hungry, depriving them of childhood pleasures. In the age when they should be attending schools, fulfiling their hunger for knowledge, these children end up doing menial jobs for a square meal. The Akshaya Patra or prasadam distribution programme by ISKON, to provide food for children in government schools, is therefore an act beyond kindness and charity. It is taking god to those aching for a feel of him.
No wonder the programme -flagged off at Bangalore's Srirampuram Higher Primary School in 2000-opened the eyes of several state governments towards the sufferings of the 'future leaders.' The programme today is popular in three states and said to have inspired S M Krishna government to introduce the mid day meal scheme: Akshara Dasoha.
'Akshaya Patra,’ the container that never gets empty, is the vessel lord Krishna gave to Draupadi, before the Pandavas started their journey into the forest. The lord wanted his cousins to eat well and never struggle for food, which finds a parallel in ISKON's scheme.
Deccan Herald.com
Mining away our heritage
Playing into the hands of the mines mafia, the Vasundhara Raje government has given away rights to mine the rocks and hills of Braj near Mathura-Vrindavan, an area sacred to devotees of Lord Krishna. Half of the Braj hills area falls in Rajasthan, with the rest falling in UP. The Braj hills were the playground of Lord Krishna and local residents even claim sightings of the footmarks of Lord Krishna. Yet, the Raje government has paid no heed so far to a huge agitation currently underway by Krishna devotees. She has already given out contracts and is in no mood to oppose the mining mafia that will blow open the land surface and bulldoze a vital piece of our religious heritage. Braj Rakshak Dal is an organisation fighting the government decision.
The Indian Express
The Indian Express
Report of first annual WVA meeting in North America
On June 25 and 26, 2005 devotees gathered for the first meeting of the WVA in North America, hosted by Chaitanya Charitamrita Das and Lalita Devi Dasi at their Washington Lake Resort in New York State, USA. The meetings were attended by devotees representing several Vaishnava missions in the greater NY metropolitan area.
On both days, representatives gathered for intense discussions on many issues related to cooperation among missions wishing to expand their preaching activities in the region. Among the guests attending, the distinguished author of Vaishnava literature, Satyaraj Das (aka Steven Rosen) contributed many constructive ideas to the future role of WVA in the New York area.
On both days, representatives gathered for intense discussions on many issues related to cooperation among missions wishing to expand their preaching activities in the region. Among the guests attending, the distinguished author of Vaishnava literature, Satyaraj Das (aka Steven Rosen) contributed many constructive ideas to the future role of WVA in the New York area.
Browns Backers help kids in need
Bissler volunteers with Food For Life Global, and is doing relief work in tsunami-affected areas in Sri Lanka. But shortly after arriving overseas, he learned that the need for food has subsided, so Bissler donated his time to help an orphanage in Colombo-Gokulam, Bhaktivedanta Children’s Home.
"These kids have endured the most terrible, traumatizing experiences — some of them watched their parents killed right in front of them — yet they greet you with eager and playful faces children should have,” Bissler said by e-mail from Sri Lanka. “That is because they have a secure home and they know that they are loved. I’m fortunate to be part of their lives."
"These kids have endured the most terrible, traumatizing experiences — some of them watched their parents killed right in front of them — yet they greet you with eager and playful faces children should have,” Bissler said by e-mail from Sri Lanka. “That is because they have a secure home and they know that they are loved. I’m fortunate to be part of their lives."
ISKCON programme for tension-free mind
In this period of tension, stress and violence, the programme ‘Mind, Mr Mind’, organised here on Sunday by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), was a welcome relief and an eye-opener for the youngsters.
The programme was organised as a positive solution to the mounting mental stress experienced by the present-day youth.
The programme was organised as a positive solution to the mounting mental stress experienced by the present-day youth.
UK's first state Hindu schools set to open
Britain's first state-supported Hindu schools are set to open in London.
The voluntary-aided primaries in Harrow and Brent are expected to be rubber-stamped by ministers, who have to give approval, and could be taking their first pupils by 2007.
The I-foundation, a notforprofit organisation made up of local religious community leaders, is linked to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon).
Iskcon's website says the school would be "dedicated to developing each child's full potential spiritually, morally and academically. Its vision is to deliver a high standard of education within a spiritual atmosphere, preparing students to become individuals of good character, discipline and competence."
This is london
The voluntary-aided primaries in Harrow and Brent are expected to be rubber-stamped by ministers, who have to give approval, and could be taking their first pupils by 2007.
The I-foundation, a notforprofit organisation made up of local religious community leaders, is linked to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon).
Iskcon's website says the school would be "dedicated to developing each child's full potential spiritually, morally and academically. Its vision is to deliver a high standard of education within a spiritual atmosphere, preparing students to become individuals of good character, discipline and competence."
This is london
Second-Youngest Grad Gets Honors at BSU
Seventeen-Year-Old Graduates From Boise State University With Honors in Engineering
"I'm not impressed by what I've done," he said, displaying modesty that reflects his religion: Goyal is a Hare Krishna who grew up next door to the Boise Hare Krishna temple, where he learned and lectured.
The tenets of Goyal's faith mercifulness, self-control, honesty and abstinence from sex before marriage have given him concentration powers that allowed him to excel academically far beyond his years, he said.
Ayush expects to take a year to study with a Hara Krishna spiritual master and travel outside the United States. Then he'd like to go to Oxford University in the United Kingdom to study connections between science and spirituality.
Abc news
"I'm not impressed by what I've done," he said, displaying modesty that reflects his religion: Goyal is a Hare Krishna who grew up next door to the Boise Hare Krishna temple, where he learned and lectured.
The tenets of Goyal's faith mercifulness, self-control, honesty and abstinence from sex before marriage have given him concentration powers that allowed him to excel academically far beyond his years, he said.
Ayush expects to take a year to study with a Hara Krishna spiritual master and travel outside the United States. Then he'd like to go to Oxford University in the United Kingdom to study connections between science and spirituality.
Abc news
Look at that. That is so London
Gilly said there had no significant drop in takings since the attacks of two weeks ago and, as she was speaking, a group of Hare Krishna, chanting and banging on their tambourines, walked past. She laughed and said: "Look at that. That is so London. These terrorists are bonkers if they think they can make a difference. Not in London they won't."
Guardian Unlimited
Guardian Unlimited
Ratha-Yatra Carnival of Chariots
Decorative chariots line up in Hyde Park, London at the start of the Ratha-Yatra Carnival of Chariots July 17, 2005. Pilgrims and devotees pulled three 40-feet (12 metres) high wooden chariots through London, accompanied by Hare Krishna singers and dancers. REUTERS/Stephen Hird
Yahoo News
The music of science and religion
Even apart from its religious relevance, music gives us not just sensuous pleasure but something much deeper that is hard to define. Our encounters with the great composers of both past and present sharpen our sensibilities and enable us to transcend our own limitations, living our lives with greater meaning.
Devotional songs, hymns and repetitive musical chants are a common denominator in many religious practices. Whether through instrument or song, through chant or the beating of the drums, musical sounds have been used since time immemorial to facilitate the individual's efforts to transcend his or her finite existence and achieve a sense of mystical union with the Great Spirit, the Universal or the Divine. The Bible describes Jericho's walls falling at the sound of military horns. Moses instituted an annual musical event involving the blowing of trumpets as a prelude to the worship of his God. The Chinese speak of their ancestral singers changing the seasons and creating fire or water through music. Hindus speak of specific ancient mantras to manipulate specific natural phenomena. In Europe, the music of numerous Western composers like Bach is known to have been largely spiritually inspired. Vedic chanting and Gregorian chanting are classic examples of the role of music in religion. The most striking repetitive chanting rituals include the Holy Mary chant, the Buddhist chants and the Hindu Mantras such as the Hare Krishna Mantra and the Gayatri Mantra.
Science and Theology News
Devotional songs, hymns and repetitive musical chants are a common denominator in many religious practices. Whether through instrument or song, through chant or the beating of the drums, musical sounds have been used since time immemorial to facilitate the individual's efforts to transcend his or her finite existence and achieve a sense of mystical union with the Great Spirit, the Universal or the Divine. The Bible describes Jericho's walls falling at the sound of military horns. Moses instituted an annual musical event involving the blowing of trumpets as a prelude to the worship of his God. The Chinese speak of their ancestral singers changing the seasons and creating fire or water through music. Hindus speak of specific ancient mantras to manipulate specific natural phenomena. In Europe, the music of numerous Western composers like Bach is known to have been largely spiritually inspired. Vedic chanting and Gregorian chanting are classic examples of the role of music in religion. The most striking repetitive chanting rituals include the Holy Mary chant, the Buddhist chants and the Hindu Mantras such as the Hare Krishna Mantra and the Gayatri Mantra.
Science and Theology News
Alive with the sound of music
While Bob Geldof rallies his rocker cohorts to make a political statement with Live8, fashion is also tuned in to the power of music.
There was John Galliano with a jazz band, colorful hobo buskers and a Hare Krishna group as part of his powerful menswear show that ended with the designer at the wheel of a car flagged "Route 66."
International Herald Tribune
There was John Galliano with a jazz band, colorful hobo buskers and a Hare Krishna group as part of his powerful menswear show that ended with the designer at the wheel of a car flagged "Route 66."
International Herald Tribune
Eric Clapton's Gibsons' Replicas
Gibson Guitar announces the production of 250 replicas of the Eric Clapton Crossroads 335 model, from which a significant portion of the proceeds will benefit the artist’s “Crossroads Centre” in Antigua. “Crossroads Centre” is an internationally recognized treatment center for addiction, founded by the artist.
The processes used to faithfully reproduce the guitar include digitizing the neck with a laser beam to ensure dimensional accuracy, aging the finish to simulate 40 years of loving use, replicating the Hare Krishna sticker given to Eric by George Harrison.
The processes used to faithfully reproduce the guitar include digitizing the neck with a laser beam to ensure dimensional accuracy, aging the finish to simulate 40 years of loving use, replicating the Hare Krishna sticker given to Eric by George Harrison.
UZBEKISTAN: Police continue hunt for religious literature
Hare Krishna devotees are also facing pressure in Karakalpakstan. Khaitbai Yakubov, a human rights activist from Khiva, told Forum 18 in Tashkent on 5 July that on 16 June, the procuracy, the National Security Service secret police and the ordinary police searched an apartment belonging to a Hare Krishna devotee and local schoolteacher Asa Bekabayeva in Bostan, a town on the outskirts of Nukus. Ninety Hare Krishna books were confiscated from her. Galyb Kadyrov, an assistant to the public prosecutor for Bostan, threatened Bekabayeva that she would be sacked from her school if she did not stop promoting the beliefs of the Hare Krishna movement. Reached by Forum 18 on 7 July, Galyb Kadyrov totally refused to tell Forum 18 why Bekabayeva had been threatened.
You know, you get the Hare Krishna
Sharon, a shop assistant, was amused by Londoners' resilience after latest Attacks
"The good thing today is that rumor has it there were no injuries or no deaths. But no violence is bearable, but don't you think that when something like this happens, nobody will defeat London, will they?" she said, and added in a reference to a group of Hare Krishna followers playing music nearby, "You know, you get the Hare Krishna. I think it's wonderful."
Radio free europe radio liberty
"The good thing today is that rumor has it there were no injuries or no deaths. But no violence is bearable, but don't you think that when something like this happens, nobody will defeat London, will they?" she said, and added in a reference to a group of Hare Krishna followers playing music nearby, "You know, you get the Hare Krishna. I think it's wonderful."
Radio free europe radio liberty
The Cataka Bird
The cataka bird is always focused on the beautiful, blackish monsoon clouds for a drop of water. He is never satisfied with anything less. All the other birds are sporting and partying in the pools of waters of this world that may sometimes be very clear and attractive. They are calling the cataka to join them and are laughing at him for stubbornly waiting for something that is very rarely achieved. During the summer season there are hardly any clouds and when there are some, they may thunder and spit lightning. Nevertheless, the cataka keeps patiently longing.
The-next-exit blog
The-next-exit blog
Baroda Rathayatra
The Rathayatra was inaugurated by the Mayor of Baroda as well as several other political leaders such as the local member of Parliament, three members of the State Assembly (MLAs), leader of the opposition party in the Baroda Municipal Corporation, many municipal corporators, and others too numerous to mention!
The district magistrate (collector), greeted the Rathyatra outside the Collectorate. The police commissioner also greeted the Rathayatra in one of the most crowded areas of the city.
Thousands lined the city streets to have a darshan (view) of the procession.
Tons of halava prasad were distributed from trucks that followed the Ratha cart throughout the length of the procession.
A clear cut above celluloid, on paper
The tool: a pair of scissors. The product: an animation film.
All that the unconventional craft of paper-cutting animation requires is one basic tool and a skilled pair of hands. No computer, no graphics software, drawings or tracings — only paper cuttings by an artist like Prabal Pramanik.
Born into the ancient tradition of Devasthanakala Sanjhi, Pramanik has dedicated himself to the preservation and growth of this dying art form of paper-cutting animation. During the times of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, many Vaishnava temples and Nat Mandirs were decorated with silhouette and filigree paper-cut designs during festivals such as Raash, Dol, Janmashtami and Jhulan.
Now, Pramanik has reintroduced this rare form in the sphere of modern cinematography. Some of the notable short animation films made by Pramanik and Chandra have been The Mahabharata, Jayadeva’s Geetagovinda and The Life of Buddha.
All that the unconventional craft of paper-cutting animation requires is one basic tool and a skilled pair of hands. No computer, no graphics software, drawings or tracings — only paper cuttings by an artist like Prabal Pramanik.
Born into the ancient tradition of Devasthanakala Sanjhi, Pramanik has dedicated himself to the preservation and growth of this dying art form of paper-cutting animation. During the times of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, many Vaishnava temples and Nat Mandirs were decorated with silhouette and filigree paper-cut designs during festivals such as Raash, Dol, Janmashtami and Jhulan.
Now, Pramanik has reintroduced this rare form in the sphere of modern cinematography. Some of the notable short animation films made by Pramanik and Chandra have been The Mahabharata, Jayadeva’s Geetagovinda and The Life of Buddha.
World renowned Tony Uberoi gives astrological & palmistry readings during Rathayatra - The Festival of Chariots 2005 in Toronto
This festival exemplifies the cultural diversity of Toronto and the festival presents an opportunity to reach out to the south Asian community (over 400,000 people) of the greater Toronto area as the festival itself originates in India.
Cooking with Kurma
Kurma Dasa loves food vegetarian food in particular His light-hearted presentation of healthy, attractive and innovative cuisine has done much to dispel the notion that vegetarian food is boring.
And his enthusiasm for cooking vegetarian fare has earned him a worldwide following, which has seen his books sell in excess of one million copies.
Now, to support his latest volume, Quick Vegetarian Dishes, Kurma, 52, is touring Europe, and will be holding a demonstration at Bhaktivedanta Manor, the UK headquarters for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, in Aldenham, near Watford.
And his enthusiasm for cooking vegetarian fare has earned him a worldwide following, which has seen his books sell in excess of one million copies.
Now, to support his latest volume, Quick Vegetarian Dishes, Kurma, 52, is touring Europe, and will be holding a demonstration at Bhaktivedanta Manor, the UK headquarters for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, in Aldenham, near Watford.
Khichdi pak gayi
Over 11,000 children from municipal primary schools in the city will be distributed khichdi by ISKCON. Dr Radhakrishna Das, project in-charge for ISKCON said, “We have a state-of-the-art kitchen and are committed to providing the best possible service to underprivileged children.”
Lahore Hindu temple renovation, expansion begins
Work has begun on a Rs.1.2 million ($20,000) project to renovate and expand the sole Hindu temple here that was damaged in the wake of the Babri mosque demolition in India in 1992.
The Evacuee Trust Property Board is overseeing the repair work on the Krishna temple, which some believe is at least 80 years old.
"The lone temple had been in a dilapidated condition since the locals attacked it in the wake of Babri mosque destruction. The mob not only removed the idol of Lord Krishna but also damaged the main rooms after which cracks appeared in the main walls," The News reported Saturday.
The Evacuee Trust Property Board is overseeing the repair work on the Krishna temple, which some believe is at least 80 years old.
"The lone temple had been in a dilapidated condition since the locals attacked it in the wake of Babri mosque destruction. The mob not only removed the idol of Lord Krishna but also damaged the main rooms after which cracks appeared in the main walls," The News reported Saturday.
A Vedic Temple in the Heart of Moscow
Srila Prabhupada came to Moscow in 1971, taking all kinds of risks, in order to establish Krishna consciousness in this very important part of the world. Srila Prabhupada left only one disciple here, but by his spiritual power Krishna consciousness gradually started spreading in the USSR.
In the 1980s Krishna consciousness went underground, and devotees were being persecuted. Some of them even left their lives in prisons. In 1988 when under the pressure of the international campaign ISKCON in Russia was legalized, Srila Prabhupada's movement started spreading like wildfire. Millions of books were distributed. Russians started joining by the thousands.
In the 1980s Krishna consciousness went underground, and devotees were being persecuted. Some of them even left their lives in prisons. In 1988 when under the pressure of the international campaign ISKCON in Russia was legalized, Srila Prabhupada's movement started spreading like wildfire. Millions of books were distributed. Russians started joining by the thousands.
Statement on Terror Attack on London
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) UK expresses its deep regret and sympathy to all those who were injured and bereaved by the appalling terrorist attacks across London.
Lord Krishna devotees across the United Kingdom are deeply saddened by the terrorist atrocities which have brought havoc to the City of London, claiming innocent lives and injuring scores of commuters.
Lord Krishna devotees across the United Kingdom are deeply saddened by the terrorist atrocities which have brought havoc to the City of London, claiming innocent lives and injuring scores of commuters.
6,000 devotees sway to chants amid light shower
A throng of 6,000 devotees today took to the city’s streets to mark Rath Yatra in a celebration bathed in rich hues and traditional gaiety under a sky loaded with ominous dark clouds.
Near Esplanade, the thick blanket hovering above parted to send forth a deluge that lasted for around 10 minutes, threatening to dampen spirits even as umbrellas were unfurled and sadhus from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) continued with their chanting.
The yatra this year saw an unprecedented number of participants and remarkable traffic management which ensured that the procession did not disrupt normal flow of public and private conveyances.
Kolkata Newsline
Near Esplanade, the thick blanket hovering above parted to send forth a deluge that lasted for around 10 minutes, threatening to dampen spirits even as umbrellas were unfurled and sadhus from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) continued with their chanting.
The yatra this year saw an unprecedented number of participants and remarkable traffic management which ensured that the procession did not disrupt normal flow of public and private conveyances.
Kolkata Newsline
Hare Krishna Participation in National Parade Highlights Diversity on America’s Birthday
With the Fourth of July in full swing, over three hundred thousand spectators lined historic Constitution Avenue to cheer on the National Independence Day Parade. Marching bands, military veterans, and patriotic floats formed the bulk of the procession, but what caught the attention of many onlookers was the inclusion of an authentic Indian chariot, bearing carved images of Lord Krishna and accompanied by devotees dressed in traditional dhotis and saris.
The chariot, along with exhibitions and food stalls set up at the Mall, were part of the Ratha Yatra and Hare Krishna Festival of India presented by the Washington D.C. Chapter of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).
The chariot, along with exhibitions and food stalls set up at the Mall, were part of the Ratha Yatra and Hare Krishna Festival of India presented by the Washington D.C. Chapter of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).
First African-American Vaishnava Hindu Guru Passes Away
His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami, a guru and Governing Body Commissioner of the worldwide Hare Krishna movement, passed away of complications from melanoma cancer on June 27, 2005, at Gita Nagari, the Krishna community in Pennsylvania. He was 55 years old.
Bhakti Tirtha Swami was the world’s first African-American Vaishnava Hindu guru. Born as John E. Favors to an evangelical Baptist family in Cleveland, Ohio, on February 25, 1950, Swami took part in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights movement during his youth. After earning his psychology degree from Princeton University in 1972, he began studying the 5,000-year-old Bhagavad Gita and other ancient Hindu scriptures. He soon became a disciple of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and brought the ancient Vaishnava tradition to the West in 1965.
Hindu traditions and practices
Written by leading international scholars this book provides a comprehensive and critical guide to the various literatures, traditions and practices of Hinduism.
Chapter VIII talks about Vaishnavism in great detail in which the deity is Vishnu. It has two traditions — Srivaishnavism of Tamil Nadu and Gaudiya Vaishnavism of Bengal. While explaining Srivaishnavism it describes the devotion of the Alwars, and the theology propagated by Ramanuja, which is called Visishtadvaita.
The next chapter explores the form of Bhakti which had originated in the Vedas, developed in the epics, Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Mahatmya. Saiva Siddhantins, Alvars and saints did help to understand the Saguna and the Nirguna forms of Brahman.
Album of sacred verses
Ramanuja, the Acharya nonpareil, established the philosophy of Sri Vaishnavism and its descriptive name is Visishtadvaita. His work Gadyatrayam comprises the Saranagatigadya, Sri Rangagadya, and Sri Vaikuntagadya Saranagatigadya is in the form of a dialogue with Sriman Narayana. Ramanuja pleads with the Lord to pardon his sins and deficiencies and totally surrenders himself to the grace of the almighty.
Sri Rangagadya also called Mitagadya because of its brevity, finds Ramanuja begging the Lord to grant him a place in His abode in order to serve Him forever. In the Sri Vaikuntagadya, Ramanuja graphically describes the splendour of Sri Vaikunta and the magnificent, resplendent form of the Supreme One, Narayana. He also speaks about what a Prapanna (one who has performed saranagati) should do to evolve himself to great heights of spirituality, Yamunacharya's catusloki and stotraratna, and a stotra on Ramanuja also find place in this album.
The Hinduization of America
According to Prof Narayanan, some of the most sustained attempts in recreating the landscape are in Barsana Dham, Texas, and at the Iraivan Temple to Siva, in Kauai, Hawaii. Barsana Dham resembles Barsana in Northern India, said to be the hometown of Radha, the beloved of Lord Krishna. Here, all the important landmarks of Krishna and Radha's homeland were recreated. At Iraivan Temple in Hawaii, not only are the names reminiscent of India, but the similar environment of tropical India meshes with the local Hawaiian land to create a unique milieu.
Next weekend you can be at ... Mayapur
Among Bengali Hindus, the Shakta school of worship had initially drawn more followers than Vaishnav spirituality. That changed in the mid-14th century, after Mahaprabhu Shree Chaitanya started his Bhakti movement.
Mayapur, a small village in Bengal where he is believed to have been born, has since become a pilgrimage spot for Vaishnavites.
The village, in Nadia district, was previously known as Miyapur. It started attracting tourists from all over the globe from the 1970s, when a temple, meditation centre and study centre were constructed here by Prabhupada, an exponent of the Hare Krishna movement.
Mayapur, a small village in Bengal where he is believed to have been born, has since become a pilgrimage spot for Vaishnavites.
The village, in Nadia district, was previously known as Miyapur. It started attracting tourists from all over the globe from the 1970s, when a temple, meditation centre and study centre were constructed here by Prabhupada, an exponent of the Hare Krishna movement.
ISKCON had sermons in mosque
Away from temple- mosque squabble, a cleric of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) on Monday preached sermons on humanity and its various aspects in the human life to the Muslim students undertaking Islamic education at the historical maszid Khairudeen.
Swami Krishan Murari Tripathi of ISKCON preached on human nature, virtuousness and mankind and on the importance to understand same in practical life which helps creating a congenial atmosphere for existence.
Times of India
Swami Krishan Murari Tripathi of ISKCON preached on human nature, virtuousness and mankind and on the importance to understand same in practical life which helps creating a congenial atmosphere for existence.
Times of India
Increase in demand for idols of Lord Krishna abroad
A sudden increase has been recorded abroad in the demand for Lord Krishna idols manufactured in Kochi. The increase in demand has been mainly recorded from countries like Germany, Italy and France.
The increase in demand for Lord Krishna idols has indeed given a boom to the industry of Kerala, which produces thousands of idols of Krishna and export it to various countries across the world.
The increase in demand for Lord Krishna idols has indeed given a boom to the industry of Kerala, which produces thousands of idols of Krishna and export it to various countries across the world.
God the Actor
The roles enacted by the Lord encompass a vast variety. He has acted as a merciful prince (Karuna kakushta), an alms-seeking pauper in Vamanavatar, a cowherd enamoured of milk and butter, a teacher of divine secrets as the Gitacharya, an axe-wielding rishi in Parashuramavatar and a bloodthirsty avenger in Narasimhavatar.
All the Navarasas find expression in the Lord’s performance as Sri Rama. Romance aplenty, during his sojourn in the forest in the bewtiching company of Vaidehi; valour in battle; marvel, when the deep, broad sea is bridged with stones and rocks; disgust, when the unseemly Soorpanakha makes indecent advances; fury and rage in the war fought with Ravana; tranquility, in the interaction with the sages in Dandakaranya forest; sorrow, in his lament for Sita and elation, hearing from Sri Hanuman, that Janaki is alive and well.
All the Navarasas find expression in the Lord’s performance as Sri Rama. Romance aplenty, during his sojourn in the forest in the bewtiching company of Vaidehi; valour in battle; marvel, when the deep, broad sea is bridged with stones and rocks; disgust, when the unseemly Soorpanakha makes indecent advances; fury and rage in the war fought with Ravana; tranquility, in the interaction with the sages in Dandakaranya forest; sorrow, in his lament for Sita and elation, hearing from Sri Hanuman, that Janaki is alive and well.
Hare Krishna cooking: Secret recipes exposed!
Food plays a vital role in Hare Krishna, a religious movement founded in the United States by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1966.
“All the food that is prepared is going to be offered to the deity Krishna,” Leese says. “Just as you would cook very special food for a loved one, this food is prepared with love and devotion. That’s what’s behind the whole philosophy of why we do food distribution: by eating this food, unknowingly their heart changes.”
Hare Krishnas never taste food before it’s offered to Krishna, he says. He will literally make up a plate of food and set it out for the deity before he carts the feast down to Walker Avenue.
“It’s not like we’re trying to convert people to be Hare Krishnas,” Leese adds. “We would like people to become more spiritually minded. Becoming a vegetarian would be a good first step.”
“All the food that is prepared is going to be offered to the deity Krishna,” Leese says. “Just as you would cook very special food for a loved one, this food is prepared with love and devotion. That’s what’s behind the whole philosophy of why we do food distribution: by eating this food, unknowingly their heart changes.”
Hare Krishnas never taste food before it’s offered to Krishna, he says. He will literally make up a plate of food and set it out for the deity before he carts the feast down to Walker Avenue.
“It’s not like we’re trying to convert people to be Hare Krishnas,” Leese adds. “We would like people to become more spiritually minded. Becoming a vegetarian would be a good first step.”
Leading Indian Dance Company Helps Raise Funds For New Temple
The event, organized by ISKCON of Silicon Valley, will raise funds which will go towards building a new Radha Krishna Temple in San Jose. The concert, Radha Madhavam: The Song of Divine Love, promises to enchant attendees of all ages, race, and religion.
“We are delighted that the Abhinaya Dance Company is so committed to our cause. We feel strongly about our community and the temple’s mission and it’s so exhilarating to see others also as dedicated. We look forward to a fantastic, cultural experience and appreciate those who attend to show their support.” States Jananivasa Dasa, President of ISKCON Silicon Valley.
“We are delighted that the Abhinaya Dance Company is so committed to our cause. We feel strongly about our community and the temple’s mission and it’s so exhilarating to see others also as dedicated. We look forward to a fantastic, cultural experience and appreciate those who attend to show their support.” States Jananivasa Dasa, President of ISKCON Silicon Valley.
Pizza for God, dosa for the soul!
"Pizza, masala dosa , samosa , soft drinks..." If you thought you were in a restaurant, also lend an ear to the chanting of mantras and the chiming of bells. For this is no restaurant menu but a list of snacks sold as 'Govinda's Prasadam' in a restaurant run by the Iskcon Temple in Ahmedabad. The USP - the snacks are first offered to Lord Krishna before being sold to devotees.
Times of India
Times of India
Young Krishna's Pranks
Long ago, on a dark, stormy night, the god-child Krishna was born. Krishna's uncle planned to kill him just as he had killed his sister's other boys; he had been told one of his sister's sons would be his assassin.
To protect the child, Krishna's father carried him away to the village of Vrindavan, across the Yamuna River. There he walked to the home of a simple cowherd, a man named Nanda.
He found Nanda fast asleep beside his wife, Yasoda, who held in her arms the couple's newborn daughter. Careful not to wake them, he placed Krishna in Yasoda's arms and carried away the infant girl.
To protect the child, Krishna's father carried him away to the village of Vrindavan, across the Yamuna River. There he walked to the home of a simple cowherd, a man named Nanda.
He found Nanda fast asleep beside his wife, Yasoda, who held in her arms the couple's newborn daughter. Careful not to wake them, he placed Krishna in Yasoda's arms and carried away the infant girl.
Summer camp for children
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Chennai is conducting Hare Krishna summer camps for children at Besant Nagar and Ashok Nagar, said a press release. The course includes teaching Bhagavad- Gita slokas and their application in day to day life, mantra yoga, bhajans, songs and games.
Mining reduces Krishna's playground to dust
Thousands of people inhabiting the verdant and hilly northern belt home to the folklore of Hindu god Krishna are waging a grim campaign to save their land from illegal mining and stone quarrying.
The Braj region, encompassing Mathura town in Uttar Pradesh, the densely forested Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Faridabad in Haryana, is rapidly losing its natural bounty due to indiscriminate mining for sandstone, say activists.
The hills are being blasted down with dynamite and pulverised to dust, allegedly without official sanctions, and residents are getting desperate.
"It is a grave irony that the 5,000-year-old heritage hills of Braj, far older than the Taj, are being completely neglected," said Raghav Mittal of the Braj Rakshak Dal (BRD), the outfit at the forefront of the "Save the Braj" campaign.
The Braj region, encompassing Mathura town in Uttar Pradesh, the densely forested Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Faridabad in Haryana, is rapidly losing its natural bounty due to indiscriminate mining for sandstone, say activists.
The hills are being blasted down with dynamite and pulverised to dust, allegedly without official sanctions, and residents are getting desperate.
"It is a grave irony that the 5,000-year-old heritage hills of Braj, far older than the Taj, are being completely neglected," said Raghav Mittal of the Braj Rakshak Dal (BRD), the outfit at the forefront of the "Save the Braj" campaign.
Teppotsava attracts devotees at ISKCON temple
Grand spectacle... Teppotsava attracts devotees at ISKCON temple on West of Chord Road at Bangalore in Karnataka on Tuesday evening. KPN
Deccan Herald
First African-American Vaishnava guru passes away
Bhakti Tirtha Swami, a guru and Governing Body Commissioner of the worldwide Hare Krishna movement, passed away of complications from melanoma cancer on June 27, at Gita Nagari, the Krishna community in Pennsylvania. He was 55 years old.
Poet Jayadeva's birthplace row setlled
Bengalis and the Oriyas have now come to an agreement over the birthplace of the 12th century Sanskrit poet Jayadeva immortalised by his magnum opus ‘Gitagovinda’. It has been conclusively proved that Kenduvilva in Puri is indeed the birthplace of the poet. A ‘sankirtan’ trip to Kenduvilva village is organised every year in collaboration with state culture department and ISKCON on the Akshay Trutiya day, believed to be the poet’s birthday.
Sify news
Sify news
Second Pandava Sena Youth Retreat

The aim of Pandava Sena is very simple - to create a spiritual revolution. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) created the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and Pandava Sena aims to spread the message of Krishna Consciousness to the youth.
Our activities are spread over a wide age group and cover a large number of different events, activities, festivals etc. Pandava Sena conducts 5 ongoing projects each with a specific aim.
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