The "Festival of India - Denmark" is dedicated to A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Goal: The Festival of India seeks to introduce people to the ancient Indian Vaisnava culture.
Date and Place: 20 of August – 2005, Copenhagen (Rådhus Pladsen -The Town Hall Square-)
From 12md to 2pm
Harinam (from Kultorvet to Town Hall Square)
From 2pm – to 8pm
Opening Speech and Introduction
Agni Hotra by Priya Chaitanya das (Vedic ritual fire sacrifice)
Bhajans (Traditional music from India) by Sacidevi dasi
DRAMA “The boatman and the scholar” by Parividha das Productions
Bharatanatyam dance by Rasabihari devi dasi
Speech about the Vedic Culture
DRAMA “Transylvania Transcended” by Parividha das Productions
Bharatanatyam dance by Rasabihari devi dasi
Kirtan (Traditional music from India)
Bhangra Dance by Bhangra Group
Dhira (electro fusion)
Adittional activities:
-Free Vegetarian Food from 2pm
-Indian Market & -Tent for kids
Festival of India