Everything you always wanted to know about the Hare Krishna Movement.
Antique idol of Lord Krishna recovered
An antique polymetal idol of Lord Krishna, worth at least Rs two crore, was recovered from two persons in central Delhi.
The idol, about 10 inches high and weighing 1.25 kg, was recovered from the duo, Jawad Hassan and Prahlad Sahay, who were planning to sell it off. The duo was arrested yesterday by special staff of the Central District.
Science graduate's search for Almighty
He faced opposition from his business-oriented family, friends and relatives but did not look back after realising he had found his chosen path.
A part of his responsibility is to travel to more than 20 countries each year, meet devotees, inspire new followers and spread the beliefs of the organisation.
He was in Labasa recently meeting devotees and a brief chat with him revealed the other side of this science graduate.
The devotee said from a very young age he started looking for the meaning of God.
As a teenager, he started reading all the scriptures he could lay his hands on. After trying out with many sects, faiths and forms of meditation, he was still not satisfied and at the age of 18, he became vegetarian.
Traveling Solo But Never Alone

Smells evoking civilization
This wonderland of authentic Indian cuisine is a lunch-time haven for people working in and around District V, a quiet and inspiring place for regulars to meet friends for dinner, and, with the Átma center down the hall providing yoga classes and Bhagavad-Gita discussion groups open to all, Govinda also serves as a spiritual pit-stop of sorts for followers of Hare Krishna.
The Budapest Sun Online
Global Culture for a Globalized World
Global Culture also means choice. A recent study conducted by ReBoot of Jewish-American generational perspectives on the Jewish faith found that the so-called “iPod Generation” valued the ability to be selective about which parts of their faith and other faiths they wished to practice. Global Culture is about having the opportunity to visit the Baha'i Center, the Hare Krishna Community, or First AME Church and taking knowledge from each to create a spirituality that encompasses your entire world.
Moscow Authorities Approve Krishna Temple
The city government in Moscow has agreed to allot land for the construction of a Krishna temple, ending a longstanding controversy over whether Hindus should have a place of worship in the Russian capital, The Hindu newspaper reports.
The paper quoted Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit as saying that the Moscow Mayor had assured her he would allot land for the temple. This promise was also registered in a joint statement issued at the end of Ms. Dixit’s talks with the Mayor.
Message from UK Prime Minister Tony Blair
We are determined to see the kind of dynamic society in which people from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds can truly celebrate what we have in common as well as retaining and being proud of our distinctive identities.
I very much welcome events such as this, which will help us all to celebrate the values and benefits of diversity whilst developing a greater sense of shared values.
This festival sees different communities coming together, but also shows the positive expression of belief that is characetristic of the Krishna consciousness movement and of British Hindus more widely."
www.rathayatra.co.ukSri Sri Krishna Balarama In New York City
World dance tour hits T.O.
They've attracted sell-out crowds
Playing to sell-out crowds on a world tour is pretty heady stuff — especially when you're just 8 years old and it's your first trip out of India.
Kajal, who plays the role of Lord Krishna, is in Toronto with a troupe of 10 other disabled performers, some in wheelchairs, to present Colours of Ability: Glimpses from the Epics — a 90-minute show depicting scenes from Hindu holy texts, including the Bhagavad-Gita, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Saurav, 22, who lost both arms at the shoulder while playing near electrical wires at age 2, will perform a sword play using his feet.
London Rath-Yatra
Ratha-Yatra will take place on the Sunday 18th June 2006. The procession will begin at 12pm at Hyde Park Corner in London.
We have been informed that many Maharajas and senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada will be attending London Rath-Yatra. Here are few names that we have been informed of, HH Bhakticharu Swami, HH BV Goswami, HH BV Madhava Swami, HH Gopal Krsna Goswami, HH Indradyumna Swami, HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Kavicandra Swami, HH Mahavishnu Swami, HG Hari Sauri Prabhu & HG Devi deva Prabhu. Other special guests will be attending are HG Sri Nathji Prabhu & HG Devakinandana Prabhu.
Rathayatra UK | Festival of the Chariots
WVA Secretary meets Indian President
The President of India Abdul Kalam, recently made a visit to the Philippines. The general secretary of the WVA Acharya das, was invited to a dinner in his honor. Several days later Acharya das was invited by the Indian ambassador to the Philippines, to be the guest speaker at a function in her house. The function was attended by ambassadors from different countries to the Philippines, local civic and business leaders, and leaders of the local Indian community. Acharya das was invited to speak on the relevance of Vedic wisdom in the modern world.
WVA: True evolution - Spoon revolution
First Hindu temple opens near Madrid
Iowa's first Hindu temple, nestled at a bend in the Des Moines River near Madrid, was consecrated in a five-day ceremony in early March.
The Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of Iowa is the realization of a four-decade-old dream of about 1,000 Indian families who have settled here, according to Sri Krishna Kumar Pandey, priest of the temple.
Please Watch This Video And Call Amnesty International
It is a video of the devotees in Kazakhstan being forcefully harassed as they peacefully protest the demolishment of their homes.
Apparantly Kazakhstan has tried in recent years to profile their government as a model for religious tolerance even to the extent of hosting an international conference called The First Congress of World and Traditional Religions in 2003 where they've highlighted their good relations with the Hare Krishna movement.
New York Ratha Yatra Festival - June 10-11, 2006

New York ISKCON cordially invites all devotees and friends for the ecstatic annual Ratha-Yatra and Festival of India in New York City on June 10-11, 2006
Sri Jagannath Ratha-Yatra Parade - June 10, 1006, starts at 12pm at the SE corner of Central Park 59th Street and Fifth Ave. The Parade will continue down Fifth Ave. for 50 blocks culminating at the Festival of India in Washington Square Park.
Detroit Devotees - Please Come Home for Our 30th Reunion
Ranganiketan To Perform ISKCON Benefit In San Jose, California On June 4, 2006
ISKCON of Silicon Valley is proud to present "Journey to the Foothills of the Himalayas," an exciting and beautifully devotional dance and martial arts performance by the Ranganiketan Manipuri Cultural Arts Troupe.
Showtime is Sunday June 4, 2006, from 7:30 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. at Le Petit Trianon Theatre, located at 72 North Fifth Street in downtown San Jose, California. Tickets are $25 for general and balcony seating, $30 for preferred seating, and $35 for V.I.P. seating. Delicious snacks and drinks will be sold in the Theatre's banquet room during intermission.
Was Duryodhana really stupid or what?
Krishna was taking an afternoon nap when both Duryodhana and Arjuna came to his place. Duryodhana came a little earlier and, being a proud person, felt his place should be at the head of the sleeping Krishna. Arjuna, who came a few moments later thought his rightful place should be near the feet. So when Krishna awoke and sat up he saw Arjuna first and let him have the first say.
Rebuilding its temple
Indians comprise at least half the congregation in several North American temples, including Los Angeles, Toronto, and Washington, D.C., as well as most New Vrindaban visitors.
Gauranga, 36, a Bombay monk and former computer programmer leading the seminars, said he puts the lessons of the Bhagavad Gita scriptures in terms the new followers can relate to: "How does the hard drive of the mind crash, and how do you restore it?"
"It really doesn't matter who the temple builders are, if they're Indians or Americans. It's the same god, and all the prayers go to him," said Sai Chandrasekharan, 29, an electrical engineer who drove up from North Carolina with his wife for the weekend.
Indian dish aromatherapy you can eat
It's also possible to cook, eat a delicious meal and learn about a culture at the same time. Which is what Manjuali Devi's cooking classes at Kalachandji's are about. Held in the Hare Krishna temple's community hall in Dallas, they're an opportunity to sample vegetarian Indian dishes and learn about the people who make them.
Achieve Eternal Premananda By Becoming A Gopi
To evolved Krishna devotees, however, it was very much a part of Vaishnava devotional tradition — Raganuga Bhakti Sadhana — that is practised by some sects in Vraja to this day. Raganuga Bhakti Sadhana was first presented and elaborated by Srila Rupa Goswami, a disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, around five centuries ago in his treatise Bhaktirasamrtasindhu or Ocean of the Nectar of Devotion.
L. Kent Wolgamott: Make a passage to India (at the Lentz Center)
Made up of 43 small paintings and 22 tiny sculptures from the Leland C. and Paula Wyman Collection purchased for The Art Complex in the late 1960s, the national touring exhibition is at the Lentz Center for Asian Culture through May 25 and shouldn’t be missed.
Vaishnava Arts Network International (VANI)
Festival transcends into expectations
Carl Clemens, a member of Yoga Circle, the student group that hosted the festival, said they organized the event in order to inform students on the different philosophies of the Hare Krishna religion and the benefits of creating harmony between one's mind, body and soul.
"What most Americans don't realize is yoga means 'religion' in Sanskrit," Clemens, a graduate student in public administration, said. "And religion is another way of saying 'to connect.'"
Yet another monument of love
The palace is designed to suit Sri Radha Krishna's varying dispositions. The idols of Radha Krishna or Chote Radha Ramanji as they are nicknamed here, have access to all parts of the building.
They give audience in their drawing room, sleep in their bedroom, perform raas in the different verandahs, front and back aangans, and the landscaped garden.
Singing of Krishna
“What do you seek from me?” Shiva asked. “I am an ignorant man; I do not know what to ask for. I shall accept whatever you give me,” replied Narsi.
Shiva granted him a glimpse of Gokul, where Lord Krishna was lost in ecstatic song and dance with the gopis. Krishna blessed Narsi, saying, “You have been witness to the divine rasa-lila. Go forth and compose poetry and spread the word of the Lord.”
IC Meetings Podcast
Ratha Yatra Panama 2006
Traditionally, each year in Puri (India), millions of people gather to pull the Rath (Chariot) for the pleasure of Lord Jagannatha and dance with great joy. ISKCON has since 1967 carried that ancient festival to all corners of the world and all major cities. It is therefore our pleasure to inform you about the Jagannath Ratha Yatra which will take place on Saturday, 10th June, 2006 in Panama City.
Invitation To the 15th Annual Prabhupada Memorial Festival - Los Angeles May 27 & 28th
"It's that time again! If you've never made it out to the Prabhupada Festival, this is the year to re- unite with devotees in Los Angeles, for 2 days of sharing memories, ecstatic kirtans, sumptuous feasts, a mini-Rathayatra, Maha Harinam, entertainment, and much more...
The festival will be held at the Sri Sri Rukmini Dwarakadish Temple over Memorial Day week-end (May 27, & 28th, 2006) in glorification of his Divine Grace.
Finland´s First Ratha Yatra Festival In Helsinki May 27th 2006
Interactive Satellite Pictures
Govardhana Hill - Click here
Govardhana, Vrindavan, Mathura, Varsana - Click here
Sri Vrindavan Dham - Click here
Sri Mayapura Dham - Click here
Radio Indraprastha - Digital Internet Radio In the Uk
The Hare Krishna Centre in Leicester UK has launched its Digital Internet Station, Radio Indraprastha. The station broadcasts 24 hours 365 days a year and is available at: www.gauranga.org/indraprastha.htm
Broadcasts consist mainly of Krishna Bhajans and Krishna Katha. It is a tribute to the worldwide audience of the Centre's 'Real Audio Page', which attracted over half a million listeners in the past few years.
Kula Shaker Reforms
Swami Bon visits German Universities
Capturing Krishna in his many moods
The two-week camp for photographers at the temple comes to an end on Wednesday.
The photographers used their skills to capture the various moods of the temple festivities, particularly the colourful 13-day Brahmotsava.
Mayapur Journal Lives Again
Modern Buddha and Vishnu Avatar Buddha are different
Srila B.B. Tirtha Maharaja
Book Review: Here Comes the Sun by Joshua M. Greene
As such, Greene does not view or treat Harrison's interest in Eastern religion as the dalliance of a wealthy but eccentric rock star. Instead, the book looks seriously at Harrison's views and worship of Krishna and the role its tenets and practices played in Harrison's day-to-day life. Greene takes us from Harrison's first trip in India 1966 to his various return trips up to his death. He also discusses the philosophical and spiritual discussions Harrison had with Prabhupada and other teachers and devotees.
Getting Empowered with Humility and Tolerance
He explained that we are spiri-tual beings, eternal loving children of God. We can find lasting happiness — not in acquiring material positions and possessions, but in reviving our innate love of God.
Fifth Annual Himalayan Performing Arts Festival
One presenter will be Anju Thapaliya (her photo is on the poster) from Nepal, who, along with her students, will demonstrate the folk dancing of this mountain kingdom.
Being a monk doesn’t mean I can’t party —Bolaji Rosiji, PMAN boss
Bolaji Rosiji is at once a monk and an entertainer, the only Nigerian, as far as is known, to combine the unique duties as head of an association that has to do purely with entertainment and as a devotee of a religious order that encourages just the opposite.
New Book: Sri Siksastakam of Sri Caitanya
The eight stanzas of Siksastakam detail the spiritual practice of Sri Krsna sankirtana and the steps it takes its practitioner through in pursuit of spiritual perfection. Poetic and spiritually profound, these stanzas constitute the entire legacy of Sri Krsna Caitanya--an open letter of love of God that has the potential to drown humanity in an unprecedented flood of spiritual emotion.
People: Spiritual Warriors
Big Launch for South African Krishna Temple
The reason for opening the R10 million International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) temple is to render diverse cultural activity and teaching to people of this highly populated Indian suburb and to keep culture alive, according to ISKCON plans for the temple began in 1991 and construction began in 2000.
Friends of India
The club is an initiative of Rositsa Sokolova who after her trip to India with the Inbound tour was inspired to continue her spiritual journey and to share her experience and the values she found there.
Hindus and Local Councils Launch First National Toolkit for Religious Education
The Hindu Forum of Britain has adopted the Heart of Hinduism multi-media resource pack produced by ISKCON Educational Services and Teaching Hinduism in Schools textbook produced by the Vivekananda Centre as its official RE toolkits. The two packs provide interactive resources for teachers and students of RE to enable better understanding of Hinduism through GCSE-aligned books, posters, audio CDs, CD ROMs, websites and teacher training guides. The toolkits have been produced after considerable research and consultation with different sections and branches of the Hindu community in the UK. The national launch at Harrow will include demonstrations from the Vivekananda Centre and ISKCON Educational Services to an audience of RE teachers and students and an official endorsement of the toolkits by the Harrow SACRE.
Sri Dhameshwar
Dhameshwara, the controller of the Holy Dham, is always shining His loving smile on the devotees who come. Brahma, Shiva and Narada also came here to take darshan of Mahaprabhu.
South African Indians gear up for fun weekend
The biggest draw in this long Easter weekend, the Festival of Chariots, is organised by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) at the Bay of Plenty. Over 200,000 people from different religions are expected to attend this event that starts Saturday morning.
Hindu couple challenges US fiat
The six Hindu organisations are the Hindu American Foundation, Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Pursushottam Swaminathan Sanstha (known as Baps), Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, Arshya Vidya Gurukulam, Jaina: The Federation of Jain Associations in America, and the Pusti Margiya Vasihnav Samaj of North America (known as Vraj). Their Amicus brief has been filed in support of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) members Linda and Stephen Voith who live with their seven children in the village of Angelica in New York. A decade after joining ISKCON in 1977 and 1980 the Voiths identified a two-and- a-half acre property in Angelica and moved there with a handful of cows with the aim of operating a Vedic Cow Protection and Agricultural Centre.
New Hinduism Textbook
Ratha Yatra Festival in Berlin
ISKCON Convention 2006
These seminars have become an essential date on many calendars as an opportunity to recharge the batteries and to hear from and associate with open-minded devotees. As always, they start on the first Tuesday of July and run for five days (4–8 July). They cost _180 for shared accomodation or _130 for dormitory accomodation. Prices include meals, accomodation, and all seminars.
Krishna rap: Yes, its time has come
Sri Rathayatra Mahotsav
All devotees are invited to participate and also to contribute some service/donation to the festival.
Bhajan singing preserves Indian traditions
They leave their shoes at the door — within an hour some 60 shoes are stacked there — and gather in the basement recreation room. They sit cross-legged or on their knees before an altar adorned with pictures of Hindu deities. The evening begins with slow intonations of the sacred word AUM, followed by a half hour of unison chanting of ancient Hindu prayers.
Do prayers really work?
Canwalk 2006 - Bhaktimarga Swami Reprises his Cross Canada Walk for Spiritual Healing
Iskcon culture camp
Looking for the Ocean in A Small Cup of Water
A handful of grain turns into a harvest. We can choose to create a garden that will delight the hearts of all who visit it or turn it into a dumping ground for people to come and unload their garbage.
Curious times
Under this new theory, the universe must be at least a trillion years old and have experienced innumerable "big bangs" and "big crunches." (By the way, this theory has been lifted directly from the Bhagavad Gita.)
"I think it is much more likely to be far older than a trillion years though," said Professor Neil Turok, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge. "There doesn't have to be a beginning of time. According to our theory, the universe may be infinitely old and infinitely large." Fortunately, the next big crunch won't gobble us all up for at least 10 billion more years. (The Guardian)
Knowledge belongs to everybody
Vedic knowledge and practices are universal in character, says the Atharva Veda: “"O man! I, being of the nature of truth and being unfathomable, have revealed the true Vedic knowledge; so I am he who gave birth to the Veda. I cannot be partial either to a Daasa or an Arya; I save all those who behave like myself, that is impartially, and follow my truthful commands”.
Merging the Tiny Drop With the Mighty Ocean
The Bhagavad Gita says that to control the mind made of manas, buddhi and ahamkara, you need to practise non-attachment. The eight limbs of Patanjali yoga are yama, niyam, asana, pranayama, pratyahar, dharna, dhyana and eventually samadhi.
4,500 year-old bricks found near `Mahabharata' battlefield Kurukshetra
According to the Haryana Archaeology Department, the significant archaeological find was found at Brahamsar Teeratha, about 40 km from Kurukshetra. Officials said that the bricks are as old as 4,500 years and measured 70 by 47 by 10 cm.
Diamond Publications launches Hanuman Comics
After the success of Chacha Chowdhary, Sabu, Billu, Pinki, Phantom, Mandrake and Tarzan, who all ruled the imagination of the childrens and fired their fantasy and again with computers, video games and extra curricular activities taking up most of the kiddie brigade's time, comic culture has now been pushed into oblivion and so why can Diamond Publications not empower the power of Mythology.
Can plants feel?
Biologists at the University of Turin and the Max Planck Institute in Jena were yesterday reported to have found evidence that plants sensed — and reacted to — the presence of hungry, leaf-chomping grubs. Their response was to emit an odour similar to lavender. This alerted other plants to the presence of a predator.But it also served to call in what modern military planners would term air support. Wasps, the natural enemies of grubs, were drawn by the odour to the plant where they either devoured the grub or injected it with eggs that later killed it.