Everything you always wanted to know about the Hare Krishna Movement.
New York Daily Photo: Krishna

The Hare Krishna Parade starts at 59th Street and works its way down Fifth Avenue, with devotees pulling three chariots (with wooden figures of Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra). It ends in Washington Square Park, where booths were set up for the all day Festival of India. A stage is set up for entertainment, showcasing Indian cultural and spiritual performances. There's free food, display booths of books on bhakti-yoga, meditiation, information on vegetarianism and Krishna consciousness. It was a very colorful event - those saris were beautiful. Click here for last years posting. Technically this is the Lord Jagannath's Ratha Yatra Parade - Hare Krishna's celebration of Ratha Yatra, a 5000 year old Hindu festival associated with Jagannath, a deity form of Krishna - the supreme god of Hinduism. If all this sounds a little complex, it is. Hinduism has many scriptures and incarnations and deities of God - it has elements of monotheism, polytheism, pantheism and monism. It is generally seen as henotheistic - a belief in a central God with other manifestations of God. The Krishna movement (International Society of Krishna Consciousness - ISKON) in this country is relatively new but is based on Gaudiya Vaishnavism and the practice of bhakti yoga. The American movement was founded in in NYC 1966 by Swami Prabhupada. He led a group of followers to Tompkins Square Park, where under an American elm tree they began to chant the distinctive 16-word mantra: ''Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.'' The tree considered sacred by the Krishna adherents and in 2001, NYC's Parks Department officially recognized the historical significance of the Hare Krishna Elm tree ...
Festival of India: Ratha Yatra Parade
The rain stayed away all day this past Saturday, June 9th as the Festival of India got under way in Manhattan. Lord Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra Parade commenced at 5th Avenue and 59th Street, came all the way down 5th Avenue and ended in Washington Square Park. In past years I’ve helped pull the carts of Lord Jagannath (the Lord of the Universe, a manifestation of Krishna) his brother Balarama, and their sister Subhadra, but this year, owing to a nasty heel spur, I and my family met the parade in the park.
Festival of India: Ratha Yatra Parade
At Play With Krishna: Pilgrimage Dramas from Brindavan
Hare Krishnas Celebrate 40th Anniversary
Srila Bodhayan Maharaj on Ukraine TV | Spiritual Nectar
Srila Bodhayan Maharaj on Ukraine TV
WVA Secretary Defending Vaishnavism on TV
Written by Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti
Thursday, 12 April 2007
A chief christian priest had been fighting the devotees and is trying to get Vaishnavism prohibited in the Ukraine. The local devotees requested Srila B.B. Bodhayan Maharaja, the secretary of the WVA and the disciple of the first president of WVA, Srila B.P. Puri Maharaja, to defend their cause on Ukrainian TV.
The debate was set to be for one hour but after only after 20 minutes the priest was defeated by Pujyapad B.B. Bodhayan Maharaja. The priest presented impersonal ideas when he said that the human being is God. On the following day the director of the same television station allowed Maharaj to speak for an hour exclusively about Vaishnava-tattva. Since then the intellectual people of Ukraine are giving more support and protection to the Vaishnava missions. Our Pujyapad B.B. Bodhayan Maharaja opened a philosophical club in Odessa and many people are now becoming devotees under his guidance.
Once again the World Vaishnava Association came as a helping hand to stop the discrimination against the mission of Sriman Mahaprabhu.
Hare Krishna New Zealand - Rugby star becomes Hare Krishna
Rugby star becomes Hare Krishna | |
JALEBI Music Global Video Release
Here you can find and get our JALEBI Music video 'Jaya Radhe (The Girl Has Got It All):
I n d i a P o s t . c o m - ISKCON rath yatra attracts New Yorkers
Today, the British Empire has come and gone, but Ratha Yatra rolls down some of the most famous streets in the Western world. Case in point: on Saturday, June 9, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) presented their jubilant annual Ratha Yatra (Festival of the Chariots) parade down Fifth Avenue.
Modeled after the original Ratha Yatra held in the seaside holy city of Puri, the New York City version of this event featured a procession of three 40-foot high traditional Indian chariots - pulled by hand by Krishna devotees and guests. "
Prisoners refuse to leave because of great prison food.
Parappana Agrahara prison in Bangalore is crowded with 4,700 inmates, more than twice its capacity.
Criminals are refusing to apply for bail to get out while juvenile offenders are lying about their age to get in, reports the Bangalore Mirror.
The paper says the reason is healthy food being served by ISKCON, or the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a Hindu evangelist organisation.
ISKCON, commonly known as the Hare Krishna movement, started serving its pure-vegetarian fare in the jail in May under contract from the prisons department.
Lunch and dinner typically include piping hot rice, two vegetables and a spicy lentil dish called sambar and buttermilk.
A dessert is added on festival days and national holidays like Independence Day, and also once a week.
Prisoner Raja Reddy, who has been arrested 20 times in 30 years for theft, robbery and burglary, said: “When we are getting tasty, nutritious food three times a day here, why should we go out and commit crimes.”
Celebrity Sugar