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Hare Krishna Explosion at Times Square
On Saturday evenings devotees meet at 45th street and Broadway for Harinam. Last night, March 10, 07 we had another ecstatic 2 hour chanting session. As usual many people joined us chanting and dancing in bliss. Ever since we started bringing the mantra sign the participation in chanting has been really heightened. Here is a young group of passers by joining in enthusiastically. Hare Krishna, Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Classic ISKCON Vinyl – Vrindavana LP from France and/or Holland

Parampara Productions
RPI 102
The Vrindavana LP, released by Parampara Productions, is tied for my favorite Classic ISKCON record with Temple Radha Krsna, also released by Parampara. It’s got almost everything you could want, including an amazing rendition of “Kesava Kali Mala” by Acyutananda Swami.
Sure, if you wanted to, you could see this as the poor-man’s Radha Krishna Temple (the George Harrison-produced LP that everyone has). Vrindavana seems to be trying mimic Radha Krishna Temple to a large degree. Most of the instruments are traditional, save a bass guitar and an often haphazardly played flute.
To me, however, the Radha Krishna Temple LP has always seemed over-produced. It’s too slick in many places and while a beautiful album, it doesn’t capture what you’d hear in the temple. Vrindavana pretty well fills that gap. It’s fairly well produced, but keeps enough of the temple spirit to satisfy my uselessly picky tastes.
Sivarama Swami Receives Hungarian Gold Cross
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By Govardhana Dasa on 7 Nov 2009
Image: Kep Fenyek
Minister for Higher Education and Science, awarded Sivarama Swami with the Gold Cross at the event, saying it was in appreciation of his “charitable, humanitarian and value-creating work.”
ISKCON guru and leader Sivarama Swami received the Gold Cross of the Hungarian Republic, the second highest award in the state, during a Diwali celebration this October 20th.
The Diwali Dinner, commemorating the Hindu New Year, was organized by the Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness at the Museum of Applied Arts in Budapest. Károly Manherz, the Junior Minister for Higher Education and Science, awarded Sivarama Swami with the Gold Cross at the event, saying it was in appreciation of his “charitable, humanitarian and value-creating work.”
Radha Krishna Mandir y Ayurvadic Center